Restructuring Projects and Blog Pages
Reorganization Tabs
I want to at some point reorganize the "Projects" page of this website to add a "future ideas" and "On hold" sections to the already existing "In progress" and "Completed" sections. I'm not exactly sure yet how I want to organize these, but I'm thinking I might have either (a) a responsive webpage that reorders them if two don't fit next to eachother (i.e. "In Progress" is next to "On Hold" but if it's too thin then "On Hold" goes to the very bottom) and/or (b) a dynamic page where you can flick around to the different sections.
Fetching the appropriate most-recent posts, projects, etc.
I also want to add some scripting to automate the addition and maintenance of pages. For example, at some point there may be too many tabs in this blog to display on one page to elegantly display on one page. In this case, I would have to automatically grab only the 10 or so most recent posts and have the rest in an archive. Ideally this could be done automatically. I could maybe also use this to give more "thumbnail detail" on the posts.
When will I get around to this?
Great question. I don't know. Right now it doesn't bother me much to manually update html references and such. Maybe I'll be bored over fall break and do it then (unlikely) or maybe it'll take months or perhaps even never get done. Who knows.